Thursday, June 4, 2009

Texting 1,2,3.

Dear creator of texting.. I have a bone to pick with you.

Texting has made daily communication easy, a simple request quick and fast, and a casual hello endless. I feel that because of this invention I have lost my proper phone etiquette and I use poor texting etiquette. I was reminded today when I was out with a friend, texting is rude. Its not rude to say excuse me its just a quick convo to figure something out, its rude to have a continuous texting conversation throughout the evening when you are with a real person. If the conversation is that important, pick up the phone and call them and figure it out quicker. Or politely excuse yourself to the textee and say I'm out with a friend can I text you later? There's no doubt that the person would not be offended by that. So why don't we do it? I'll be honest I'm victim to this, I've had long drawn out unnecessary conversations over text in front of a group of friends. I've even done it when I'm one on one with someone. The point comes to this, if you text when you are with someone think to yourself, would I be talking to this person right now if they called me? If the answer is no, put the phone down and talk to the person right in front of you. Cuz you know its time that I stop getting mad at myself and my friends for doing something so easily fixable.

So please texter creator don't be upset with me, just understand that I'm sick of being mad at people for table texting, sexting, or surfing the Internet when I'm not interesting enough to talk to.

Love Stina.

Monday, May 25, 2009


This is why I haven't been blogging, My horoscope today:

You need to give a lot today and even if you get to celebrate a holiday with your family, the day still might take its toll. You may feel as if you are treading water while the current keeps carrying you backward, but this is just a temporary effect of Mercury retrograde in your sign. Luckily, you know a thing or two about patience and, fortunately, it will be rewarded soon enough.

I'm in a one step forward two steps back rut and I don't want to complain about it so I don't blog about it.

This is why. I'm sorry.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

pinky promise

This is me, making a promise to people that like reading my blog that I will post more.

Pinky Promise

::birthday blog to come...::

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Emotion, its one of the hardest things to control.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

San Diego

I am on Spring Break this week, and my parents wanted to spend a day with me. My idea of of a good time was to go to the San Diego Zoo! I had sooo much fun, and I love taking pictures of animals. They were ridiculously active so I got some great shots. I don't have a fancy camera.. but occasionally I get pictures that look like they can go on postcards, no flaws... Here are some that I love. Also I didnt realize how they loaded, so it goes from latest in the day until the first part. Enjoy =].

Big Daddy

Watching from the shadows

Keeping an eye

Hungry Mama

Sleepy Lizardy thing.

Me + Hippo = AWESOME

He really wanted that leaf

Mama in deep thought

Auntie was babysitting

By far my favorite picture

He smiled for me

Always the first thing you see!

Those are my pictures, let me know if you like them... I've been seriously thinking about taking photography. waste of time? what do you think?

Monday, March 23, 2009


An anniversary, a tradition, anything that makes you think of a day one year ago. Today is a kinda anniversary for me. One year ago I began the biggest growing experience of my life so far, and I'm looking at what has happened through out the year. My old relationships have grown, I found out who were my true friends and my three M's were there to save me from sinking too far. I also had people who were just friends have now become really close to me. I have lost 30 pounds and my hair is 8in shorter. I feel like I am in such a better place but I am also a completely different person. I've actually dated (good and bad) and well I'm happy with where I am right now. This time next year I'll be in my last semester of school and just about ready to get a job and move out on my own.. 365 days until that comes, I'm thrilled for whats next.

I wanted to thank and tell all of you that I love you and I'm grateful for every single one of you.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh Mmm Gee

I've been so busy! Holy crap. I can never find the time to sit down and type. I feel like I'm always going going going work, school, study groups, etc. Here are some of the fun things that I have done since I posted last.

March 7th I went to an Irish fair in the boones of Riverside.. but I had SOO much fun!

When we were there I didn't drink any Guinness but I did see these adorable "sheepdogs" in action, I was surprised I got these two to turn and look at me!

Here are some action shots:

These were all the puppys they are all turned the same way because they are ready to work and are following the sheep!

My stupid camera died after this but I got to see guys use bag pipes and saw a bunch of baby boys wearing kilts! It was adorable. I can't wait to go back with my parents next year.

Cut to this Friday the 13th.

I got to go see Joel Mchale, he does the show called the soup. I went with Jon and we got there early got some CPK myyy favorite and then headed to the show. I was brave and wore heels and don't regret it at all! The coolest thing that happened was when we got there we had these seats:

Then these old people next to us said they had some tickets for "down there" and were wondering if we wanted to trade seats, we agreed thinking that they were front teir seats.. no no.. they were SO much better!! We moved HERE:

Woo!! so this totally made the night.. we watch Joel and then headed home, I had a rockin migraine so the night ended there.. I was also babysitting a dog so I had to keep him fed and happy!

So that was my month, oh yeah. I cut my hair ;)

Enjoy the pictures. I promise I won't take so long next time.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"I" tag.

Missy did it and I’m bored.

I am: home alone on Valentine’s Day and I’m not sad about it.

I have: wonderful friends and a happy family

I have no idea: what I am doing with my life right now, I’m just going through the motions.

I Am: kinda confused with my feelings.

I Think: wayyy too much.

I Know: I’m stubborn. I feel my way is always the best way.

I Want: to graduate and have lots of friends and a developed sense of self.

I Have: a lot of cool things. I like technology and I try to stay kinda with the pack, its hard without having money.

I Dislike: ugly people. Haha jk. I don’t like people who are rude to me at Starbucks. I’m human too.

I Miss: a couple things.

I Fear: being alone.

I Feel: content right now.

I Smell: success.

I Crave: shopping and chocolate when I’m sad.

I Cry: really never. I look at it as a sign of weakness cuz every time I’ve cried I feel super venerable. The last time I sobbed was in Marley and Me, and it wasn’t the movie that made me cry.

I Usually: try to make my mom and dad happy. I’m under their house so I listen to their rules even though I think a one am curfew is super dumb.

I Search: facebook all the time. I enjoy seeing how people’s lives have changed since we’ve known each other. Normally I wouldn’t even speak to them in public thinking they wouldn’t remember me. But if they are getting married or pregnant it makes my day better. I enjoy life changing events.

I Wonder: what’s going to happen to me in a year when I graduate.. I have a plan. It’s kinda at a stand still right now.

I Regret: nothing. It makes me who I am… although it frustrates me that I care so much about stupid stuff that I should’ve let go of years ago. Like my senior prom.

I Love: being in love. I feel that I am complete when I’m in love. But I’m growing; I’m okay being alone… I enjoy myself, I’m funny.

I Care: about everyone and what they think. It hurts my feelings when people think bad things about me. I want everyone to like me.

I Always: run up the stairs a little faster at night when its completely dark.

I Worry: about work, school, and relationships daily.

I Am Not: a social butterfly or a homebody and I am not a night owl or a morning person.. I adjust my life so I am everything.

I Remember: being really really really happy, I can’t wait until I am that happy again.

I Believe: in Luck. Coincidence. Fate. Whatever you want to call it… I see things I shouldn’t see; things happen to me that I would never wish upon anyone else.

I Dance: all the time. I like busting moves when I am happy. When I am dancing I am either REALLY happy or semi intoxicated.

I Sing: to everything, I blare my music in my car and sing at the top of my lungs; I feel better after.

I Don't Always: do what I should. I fall back into old habits because it makes me comfortable and I would rather be comfortable than not.

I Argue: with myself a lot. I do things I shouldn’t do and I get into fights with myself over whether or not it was dumb or not. Normally.. it was dumb.

I Write: when I am upset. I have a journal I wrote last year, I refuse to read it… I feel bad for that girl and I’ve moved on from those sad days.

I Win: things I shouldn’t. I won poker without even knowing what I was doing.

I Lose: myself in my thoughts…

I Wish: that it was 2010 already.

I Listen: to music and my friends. I realized the other day, I ask for advice but I give some pretty damn good advice too.

I Don't Understand: unhappy people. Sure everyone has a bad day, but think of something or do something that makes you happier and stop complaining. I do this by going to Disneyland.

I Can Usually Be Found: at Fullerton, Starbucks, Disneyland, or at home in my room in front of my computer.

I Am Scared: of getting in a bad car accident. I’ve seen too much already.

I Forget: names but not their Starbucks drinks. Go figure.

I Am: satisfied with my life right now.

I tag: anyone who is bored like me and wants to do it!

New Hair.

Check it outtttt:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Oh Glorious School

Today was D-day.

First Class: Accounting 201B

My only totally American and understandable teacher thinks that the way our society is taught is the incorrect way and he is determined to make our class learn and remember rather than memorize and forget.

Second Class: ISDS 361B

I got it! Well kinda. I am a genius and came up with the idea that I would sit in on his Tuesday Thursday for lecture and stay enrolled in his Monday Wednesday class. He was totally cool with this idea but I have to take my tests with the Monday Wednesday class, which is cool.. 90% of the class will be on TR and that makes me happy.

Side note: There was a girl in our class, nasty girl, he was going a bit fast and she asked him to slow down.. fine.. then she barked to go back to the previous slide when he did he only stayed for a moment and said please come after class if you've missed a slide. THEN she continued to make a fool of herself and ask the class "how many of you got that slide" (I didn't but it was okay) and continued with the remark of "I pay for my class time.. not to stay after to get something you should have shown!" I was so embarrassed for her, who does that?


My break was very enjoyable, actually my friend Korina is going to school about the same time i am (She's done by 2:15) but she has a break at the same time I do! So we both went to advising.. which is a whole other blog.. and grabbed a cup of coffee and shared our Christmas break experiences. It was the highlight of my day.

Third Class: Economics 320

This class was about 15 minutes long, not bad for a first day. I still haven't grasped the concept of this class.. all I know is she talked about the "recession" and went over cheating. Two very important things. =]

Final Class: Management 340

I honestly think I will love this class, the official name of it is Organizational Behavior or something along those lines. Basically I get to study how to work with people which is something that I am dying to know about since I would love to work at Disney in the park with tourists and be able to be a responsible fun boss to others, hopefully!

Finally ran home and got Starbucks with my mom and told her about my whole day! She only heard half then we got bored, (I go into a lot of boring detail), so I'm telling you guys the rest!

I lovee blogging.

PS: For the past semester the girls bathrooms have been closed for some unknown reason so we've had to use the boys one, well I'm happy to say.. the girls bathrooms are reopened.. thank god.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to Basics.

Well, tomorrow is my first day back to school. I'm freaking out even though this is my 8th semester at CSUF. I did something retarded when I registered (I totally blame Fullerton.. but I have zero proof) I registered for a class on Monday Wedesday. It was the same class, same time, same teacher of the class I really wanted on Tuesday Thrusday.. when I actually go to school. So I emailed the teacher telling him my situation (he said he really couldn't do anything) but I am on his wait list for the Tuesday Thursday class, so wish me luck.. I hope I get it!

I don't understand why the first day of school is so nerve racking, I've been a student my whole life! It's probably because I don't know my teachers, don't know where the classes are, and I'm just off my game. I mean really I've had a month and a half off, which is great... but I haven't driven to Fullerton let alone woken up a 6:15am since finals. Its almost like Christmas I'm tired but I can't sleep and I'm nervous but I can't wait to get it over with. I'll let you know how the day goes tomorrow.. for now I'm going to try to sleep.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Blog Virgin.

Alright so this is my first blog!!

I've been thinking about doing a blog for a long time but I could never decide what to write about. Dating? School? Work? It finally came to me the other day when a high schooler gave me a dime and quarter and said it was 60 cents and argued with me that the quarter was worth 50 cents. At that moment I decided that people would enjoy anything from me. You guys will read this! With me you may laugh, cry, enjoy good times and hate the bad... everything will come and go and I want to remember silly things that I'll otherwise forget about in a week.

Today, Missy and I went to Sprinkles, we've both have had a rough week (we ate one for Ryan too, he got a retarded ticket) and wanted to splurge. We started talking about blogging and how I wanted to take more pictures to remember things like our awesome trip to Sprinkles. So we took a couple pictures, I'll learn how to post those later, and said we should start my blog tonight! So here I am watching Juno, implies the 'honest to blog?!' its a quote from the movie, and typing this blog.

I'm going to start thinking in the way of "I am soo going to blog about this!!!" so keep your eyes open!